Monday, April 30, 2012

Grass Heads!

I made grass heads with my preschoolers and with my girls at home. I told the kids after the "hair" grew tall we could give them haircuts! They loved the whole experience...from planting the grass seed, to watching the "hair" grow and giving them water, to charting the growth of the grass every few days, to giving them haircuts! I have enjoyed the experience too!

Grass heads I made with my two daughters. This picture is before they got their hair cut.

How did we make them?
We used the bottom portion of a single serve milk container, although you could use any small cup or container.
Then we used Elmer's glue to glue on the eyes. The preschoolers cut pieces of construction paper to make the rest of the facial features. They glued those pieces on with Elmer's glue too.
After the glue dried we filled the cup about 3/4 full of dirt. Then added a spoonful of grass seed and then put another scoop of dirt on top. We watered them using a spray bottle.
Our grass started growing within a few days and within a week it was a few inches tall. I'm hoping they keep growing and my girls at home will be able to cut their hair every few days! I have found they grow faster if you water them regularly.
Grass heads after haircuts!